My morning routine

I have combination/oily skin. Fortunately, even as a teenager I never had problems with pimples. And, as I approach (I can’t say it), oily skin slows down the appearance of wrinkles. Everyone who meets me knows I am not 25 but they also don’t know I’m, lets just say “older”.
I have been fighting this oily T-zone for as long as I can remember. I used to consider it a success when my make up would stay put and this oil slick I call a forehead would be held at bay for two hours. It was not until this July I figured out what I was doing wrong. That was stripping my skin of oil. Like many combo-oilies (I just made that up), I would use soapy sudsy astringent cleansers that would strip all oil from my skin, follow that up with toner and forgo moisturizer. And, sure enough, 2 hours later if I was wearing foundation I was orange and oily. Not my prettiest look.
I tried every solution out there to absorb and/or delay the oil. The best was Urban Decay De-slick, it got me two more hours, M.A.C. Fix+ did nothing, applying powder got me another hour or two but I looked like I was wearing a mask, and blotting papers which were best when I was not wearing foundation required blotting every hour and a half or so. Who has time for that? I have a job and it is not oil maintenance.
Here is my routine, I still get sheen but I no longer blind people with the reflection coming off of my nose.
Cleanse: I hot cloth cleanse with either a cleansing balm or cream cleanser. The key here is using a product labeled either “all skin types” or “normal skin”. I avoid anything labeled “oily skin” which strips my skin and makes it feel uncomfortably tight. I like to either cleanse using my Clarisonic or do a quick facial massage then use a hand hot face cloth to steam then wipe off the cleanser.
Serum: Serum is new to me. My mother-in-law told me about it. I gave it a try and found I like it. For some reason it makes my skin feel better.
Eye Cream: Sleep in a jar. Enough said?
Moisturizer: Again, I use moisturizer that is not labeled “oily and without sunscreen because I use the same moisturizer morning and night. I place it just on my cheeks.
Sunscreen: I use an SPF 30 sunscreen, every day on my face, neck, any exposed decollete, hands and parts of my arms not covered by my sleeves. No, exceptions.